
Note: You are viewing an old revision of this page. View the current version.

The GraphViz plugin passes all its arguments to the grapviz dot binary and displays the result as cached image (PNG,GIF,SVG) or imagemap. See, esp. for the dot language specs.


  • We support all image types supported by GD so far, PNG most likely.
  • On imgtype = imap, cpamx, ismap, cmap an additional mapfile will be produced.


<<GraphViz [options...]
   multiline dot script ...


imgtype Default: png
alt img alt text.
pages <! plugin-list support !> encoded as pagename = [ URL = url ]
exclude Exclude pages
help Display argument help.


digraph automata_0 {
        size ="8.5, 11";
        node  [ shape  = circle];
        0 [ style = filled, color=lightgrey ];
        2 [ shape = doublecircle ];
        0 -> 2 [ label = "a " ];
        0 -> 1 [ label = "other " ];
        1 -> 2 [ label = "a " ];
        1 -> 1 [ label = "other " ];
        2 -> 2 [ label = "a " ];
        2 -> 1 [ label = "other " ];
        "Machine: a" [ shape = plaintext ];

is rendered as

Plugin GraphViz failed. sh: /usr/bin/dot: not found
PhpWiki Warning: (512, GraphViz error: outputfile “/tmp/cache/GraphVizlUX7MG.png” not created cmd-line: /usr/bin/dot -Tpng -o /tmp/cache/GraphVizlUX7MG.png, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/WikiPluginCached.php, 920)


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lib/WikiPluginCached.php (In template 'browse' < 'body' < 'html'):920 Warning: "GraphViz error: outputfile “/tmp/cache/GraphVizlUX7MG.png” not created"